You can start trading 1 business day after your US trading account has been activated. In the meantime, do ensure your Cash Upfront account has enough cash funds to ensure a seamless trading experience.

The uplift can only be done during Malaysia’s trading hours. 

Refinitiv, formerly known as Thomson Reuters. 

As a Rakuten Trade client, MY, US and HK price feeds are free and reflect real-time prices. For US, price feeds are powered by CBoe so you’ll need to opt in annually to ensure uninterrupted access.

Powered by Cboe, just log onto your dashboard > Settings > Apply for real time US data feed.

Once you have activated our Foreign Market subscription, you will automatically subscribe to the Hong Kong stock prices and chart information powered by the Exchange (HKEX) in real-time for FREE. No commitment is required.

You are required to activate your Foreign Equity account to be able to see real-time price feed.

You may download it at the end of the foreign market’s trading hour. LOGIN >> MY ACCOUNT >> MY STATEMENT >> TRADING STATEMENT

You may view it at LOGIN >> ORDER STATUS >> TRADE HISTORY by selecting the respective period. 

The same brokerage fee is applied as well as stamp duty, and an exchange fee if you’re trading in Ringgit Malaysia. The indicative exchange rate can be found on the order pad.

Please be informed that prior to trading, you have the option to convert your Ringgit Malaysia into USD or HKD at the prevailing exchange rate. The exchange fee is only imposed when funds are converted from one currency to another. If you trade with funds already in USD or HKD, no exchange fee is applied until you convert it back into Ringgit and again at the indicative exchange rate.

Note : With effect from 1 August 2023, there will be a 1% surcharge fee of your monthly trading value on the US stocks executed at a share price under $1.00. The fee will be debited before 15th of the following month.

If you sell US shares in Ringgit Malaysia, a brokerage fee, stamp duty, SEC fee, FINRA fee will be charged based on prevailing indicative exchange rate.

If you buy foreign shares in USD or HKD, a brokerage fee, stamp duty and other charges (if any) as determined by RT’s foreign counterparty.

Please be informed that prior to trading, you have the option to convert your Ringgit Malaysia into USD or HKD at the prevailing exchange rate. The exchange fee is only imposed when funds are converted from one currency to another. If you trade in USD or HKD, no exchange fee is applied until you convert it back into Ringgit Malaysia again.  

You may refer here

Matched orders are not amalgamated for foreign equity trading. For example, on the same trading day, client bought the same stock with order A and order B. Both orders will generate two purchase contracts instead of one. 

Click the links for the latest US Stocks,  ETFs & ADR and HK Stocks. 

Based on the currency settlement taking into account the indicative rate, overall trading position and Foreign Exchange Administration rules.

Yes. Up to 10,000 shares or USD 100,000 per order at one time. If you would like to trade above this, please split your orders accordingly

The execution time of orders will follow the US Eastern Standard Time only.

All orders shall be accorded with “best execution” or on a “best-effort “basis. 

Based on the SEC Investor Publication advise, SEC regulations do not state that a trade has to be executed within a set period. For more information, please refer to 

Many firms use automated systems to handle the orders they receive from their customers. In deciding how to execute orders, the broker has a duty to seek the best execution that is reasonably available for its customers' orders.  

That means we as your broker must evaluate the orders received and aggregate and periodically assess it in the most favourable terms of execution. 

Price improvement opportunity is an important factor a broker should consider in executing client orders. Other factors include the speed and the likelihood of execution. 

For example: Let's say you enter a market order to sell 500 shares of a stock. The current quote is $20. The broker may be able to send your order to a market or a market maker where your order would have the possibility of getting a price better than $20. If your order is executed at $20.05, you would receive $10,025.00 for the sale of your stock – $25.00 more than if your broker had only been able to get the current quote for you. 

Of course, the additional time it takes to execute orders may result in you getting a worse price than the current quote – especially in a fast-moving market. So, the broker is required to consider whether there is a trade-off between providing you with the possibility – but not the guarantee – of a better price and the extra time it may take to do so. 

Not specifically in relation to your order but in general.  

SEC’s rules are aimed at improving public disclosure of order execution and routing practices require all market centers that trade national market system securities to make monthly, electronic disclosures of basic information concerning their quality of executions on a stock-by-stock basis, including how market orders of various sizes are executed relative to the public quotes.  These reports must also disclose information about effective spreads – the spreads actually paid by investors whose orders are routed to a particular market center. In addition, market centers must disclose the extent to which they provide executions at prices better than the public quotes to investors using limit orders. 

These rules also require brokers that route orders on behalf of customers to disclose, on a quarterly basis, the identity of the market centers to which they route a significant percentage of their orders. In addition, brokers must respond to the requests of customers interested in learning where their individual orders were routed for execution during the previous six months. 

We have provided this information as a service to investors. It is neither a legal interpretation nor a statement of SEC policy. If you have questions concerning the meaning or application of a particular rule, please email us or consult with an attorney who specializes in securities law. 

Yes, but in accordance with the Terms and Conditions accepted by you at the point of activating the FE trading service. For example, any outstanding purchases yet to be settled within the settlement period shall be liquidated immediately.  

Yes. However, this type of occurrence is expected to be rare. 

Here are just some of the circumstances. It isn’t though just limited to the below:  

  • Limit price is too aggressive. It’s on the wrong side of the market and too far past the current price. 
  • Possible oversold/overbought position due to corporate actions such as shares split, reverse shares split.
  • Invalid Bid Ask price
  • Your FE trading feature was suspended by RT/IBKR

It depends on the stock exchange. Generally, the market opens at 9:30AM Eastern Standard Time and closes at 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time subject to daylight saving time. 

Brokerage fees range from RM1 to a maximum of RM100 depending on the transaction amount. A surcharge of RM30 is applied on all assisted trades. 

 Click here for the full list of fees.

It refers to the suggested exchange rate. 

Your foreign trading limit will be separated by currency available.

For example, you have a trading limit of RM 4,000 and USD 1,000 respectively. You can use either USD or Ringgit Malaysia to settle the foreign purchase worth USD1,000. If the settlement currency is USD and the purchase is more than the available trading limit, you’ll need to top up and convert funds from Ringgit Malaysia to USD. Likewise, for insufficient HKD trading limit, please do the same.

Protip: You can’t use two currencies at the same time to settle the foreign/local trade. For example, you are not allowed to use USD and Ringgit Malaysia at the same time to settle the US trade. Likewise, you can’t use both HKD and Ringgit Malaysia to settle HK trade.

On your dashboard, click on ORDER STATUS > CURRENCY.

The US Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has issued a new provision under Section 1446(f) of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) that primarily impacts non-US residents who invest in US PTP Securities. With effect from 1 January 2023, non-US residents will incur the following withholding tax when they hold/sell, trade, or transfer US PTP securities:

  • 10% withholding tax on gross proceeds from sales or trading of US PTP securities
  • 37% withholding tax on the allotted amount of dividends.

This means, starting 1 January 2023, if you sell USD1,000 worth of PTP shares, USD100 will be charged as the withholding tax. To avoid having to pay a withholding tax, we strongly recommend that you sell your PTP shares before 28 Dec 2022.

A 10% withholding tax on gross proceeds from sales or trading of US PTP securities will be charged. However, Rakuten Trade will cease to accept new orders on US PTP securities from 1 December 2022. We strongly recommend that you sell your PTP shares before 28 Dec 2022.

Yes. A 37% withholding tax on the allotted amount of dividends.

The US custodian will decide whether to charge it since the settlement date will fall in 2023. We strongly recommend that you sell your PTP shares before 28 Dec 2022 to avoid these charges.

Kindly note that the US PTP securities list is non-exhaustive and may change at any time. If your stock is classified as US PTP, Rakuten Trade may at discretion from time to time to cease to accept new orders on US PTP securities. Hence, we strongly recommend that you sell your PTP shares before 28 Dec 2022 to avoid any unforseen challenges.

The trading sessions are pre-opening auction, continuous trading and closing auction session.

Trading is conducted Monday to Friday (excluding HK public holidays) at the following times:



Full Day Trading

Half Day Trading

Auction Session

Pre-opening Session

0900 HKT – 0929 HKT

Continuous Trading Session

Morning Session

0930 HKT – 1159 HKT

Extended Morning Session

1200 HKT – 1259 HKT


Afternoon Session

1300 HKT – 1559 HKT


Auction Session

Closing Auction Session

1600 HKT to a random closing between 1608 HKT – 1610 HKT

1200 HKT to a random closing between 1208 HKT – 1210 HKT

If HKEX has a half day trading, pre-opening auction starts on 0900 HKY – 0929 HKT, morning session of continuous trading session starts on 0930 HKT – 1159 HKT, and closing auction starts on 1200 HKT with random closing between 1208 HKT & 1210HKT.

Notes: There is no Extended Morning Session and Afternoon Session on the eves of Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year.

The lot size varies depending on the stocks.

For example, JD HEALTH ( has a board lot size of 50 units, L’OCCITANE ( has a board lot size of 250 units, while MMG ( has a lot size of 4,000 units.

If you wish to buy 1,000 units of JD HEALTH, then you need to key in 20 board lots.

Board lot size will be indicated on the order pad.

It depends on the stock price of shares. Please refer to the below:

Price Range


HK Stock


From 0.01 - 0.25



Over 0.25 - 0.50



Over 0.50 - 1.00



Over 1.00 - 5.00



Over 5.00 - 10.00



Over 10.00 - 20.00



Over 20.00 - 100.00



Over 100.00 - 200.00



Over 200.00 - 500.00



Over 500.00 - 1,000.00



Over 1,000.00 - 2,000.00



Over 2,000.00 - 5,000.00



Over 5,000.00 - 9,995.00



Over 9,995.00 - 9,999.00



Please note that HKEX Exchange Fee, HKEX Clearing Fee, and HKEX Stamp Duty are calculated based on matched execution.  In the event your single order of 10,000 shares requires multiple match executions, example: First matched execution of 6,000 shares, Second matched execution of 4,000 shares, the fees will vary from the rate stated in the brokerage fees table. However please note that the occurrence of this event is rare.

Pre-opening Auction Session 

Auction Session 

New Order 

Amend / Cancel Order 

0900 HKT - 0914 HKT 



0915 HKT - 0919 HKT 



0920 HKT - 0927 HKT 



0928 HKT - 0930 HKT 




Closing Auction Session (full day) 

Auction Session 

New Order 

Amend / Cancel Order 

1600 HKT - 1600 HKT (16:00:59) 



1601 HKT - 1605 HKT 



1606 HKT - 1607 HKT 



1608 HKT - 1610 HKT 




Closing Auction Session (half day) 

Auction Session 

New Order 

Amend / Cancel Order 

1200 HKT - 1200 HKT (12:00:59) 



1201 HKT - 1205 HKT 



1206 HKT - 1207 HKT 



1208 HKT - 1210 HKT 



Your submitted HK order will be managed by our custodian, and it is subjected to the acceptance of the order by HK exchange. Please contact us and refer to HKEX official site’s FAQ for more information

Newly listed shares are not available for fractional share trading till the following quarter.

With effect from 1 August 2023, there will be a 1% surcharge fee of your monthly trading value on the US stocks executed at a share price under $1.00. The fee will be debited before 15th of the following month. 

It gives investors the opportunity to (i) diversify a portfolio easily, (ii)adopt a dollar cost averaging trading strategy, and (iii) the ability to invest in high-priced stocks that may have been out of reach (financially) previously.

Our custodian Interactive Brokers will sell the existing stock on your behalf. For specific stock support, please contact our customer support team or chat with us.

0.01 unit. Be advised that US shares priced below USD 1 are only tradeable in a whole unit. It is more cost-effective to sell fractional shares at a higher price so that the sales can cover the fees.

The list of fractional tradeable share list is subject to change tentatively at every quarter. You can’t buy in fractions once it is removed from the list.

0.0001 unit. Be advised that US shares priced below USD 1 are only tradeable in a whole unit. It is more cost-effective to sell fractional shares at a higher price so that the sales can cover the fees.

The list of fractional tradeable share list is subject to change tentatively at every quarter. IBKR (our 3rd party counterpart) will sell the fractional portion on your behalf once it is removed from the list.

Be advised that the fractional tradeable share list is subject to change tentatively at every quarter by our foreign custodian. Once a stock is removed from the fractional eligible list, no new position can be opened and our foreign custodian will close existing positions in stocks not eligible for fractional trading.  This will occur from the 10th day or as soon as practically possible after the end of the quarter in which the stock became ineligible to trade in fractions.

A trade to buy a share at a specified amount. At Rakuten Trade, this means that the specific Ringgit amount will be matched against the best available share price up for execution.

Protip: Amount orders are only applicable for US market trades.

No. It’s only available for trades scheduled in MYR.

Via the app, go to the “Order” tab and click “Ongoing Schedule” and select “Amend Schedule” or “Cancel Schedule” to make any edits or to cancel.

You can amend or cancel the order via the “Order Status” tab (via app) at any time so long as it hasn’t yet been matched.